tuesday jacob came into town and we registered at home depot. he was VERY excited to get some man stuff on a wish list! i had fun, but was exhausted by the time we left. home depot doesn't have a scanner to use, so we had to hand right all of the details of each item. let me correct that... I had to hand write all of the details! we finally left a little before 9 and ended up taking home with us a lawn mower someone had just returned who had problems getting it to crank. it appears the only problem is a clogged fuel line. home depot let us bring it home for free, so if that ends up not being the issue, we didn't waste any money on it! it's now sitting on my balcony (reminder... we don't own a home yet!)
wednesday we attempted to register at sears for more "man things" for jacob (i'm saving my home stuff until we have more time to actually register!) but their computers weren't working, so that was yet another unsuccessful registry trip. we opted for watching Toddlers and Tiaras and lounging on the sofa.
jacob came into town tonight and we once again tried to register at sears. we ended up creating a registry account online and home and were told we only needed to bring in our 18 digit registry number and we would be able to register in the store. well, for some reason their scanner was messed up and would only scan a Garden Hose for us... which we didn't really want. we became very frustrated and yet no one offered to help. we later went back and tried to speak with the manager to complain about not receiving more help or guidance on fixing the problems. i now have no interest in registering at sears, but jacob really wants some craftsman tools.
after the mall and subway dinner, we headed to Payless to look for bridesmaid's shoes. i found some cute shoes (well, i thought they were cute!!)

well, they're cute, comfy, and cheap!! well, i sent the picture to the bridesmaids and didn't get the reaction i was wanting from some of them, but i've decided on them anyways!! i ended up buying 10 pairs to have a variety of sizes for the 7 girls. and they are $20 and payless has their BOGO sale right now, so really each girl only owes me $15. i'm happy about my find! it's better than a $40 shoe from dillards!!! =)
tomorrow i'm driving to troy and jacob and i and one of his club brothers are riding the bikes to elba for their city fest. it'll be nice to have a day off from doing wedding planning/purchasing. it's starting to get really stressful now!!!
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