ok, so i know it's been awhile since i've posted, and i apologize. life has been crazy the past two weeks. let me see if i can even remember what all has happened...
last week i took off three days from work (june 16-18). However, my days weren't really spent as a vacation should be! wednesday morning i had a dentist appointment and then received a call from Pike County DHR stating my request to transfer had been approved!! yay. however... Elmore County has yet to give me an exact transfer date, but hopefully it'll be either august 2 or august 16. i'm so blessed to be able to transfer. i can live in the same town as my husband when we're married! how awesome is that?? =) later on that day we met with our wedding photographer for lunch and signed a contract with him. i'm very excited about it! check out some of his pics at www.nddesigns.org. after lunch we REGISTERED at walmart!! it took forever too, but we had a lot of fun. it's fun picking out things for people to buy you! haha. however, we were exhausted when we left.
thursday i slept in, but we were out registering by lunch time!! we registered at bed bath and beyond and target. let's just say by the time we finished those stores i was getting a little tired of picking out things! too much on the brain. we grilled out both wednesday and thursday night and just enjoyed spending the day together (jacob works weekends so we never get full days together!)
friday i met jacob in troy when he got off work at 2:30. we then registered at Family Ties in troy, and now i was really tired of registering! after that we rode with his mom to Sister's to plan the menu for the rehearsal dinner. then we headed to clio and ate dinner with his granny and some friends. i say dinner, but it took so long jacob and i were calling it a "midnight snack!"
saturday jacob came back to montgomery, and to tell you the truth.. i don't remember a thing we did!! i think we rented a movie?? i know sometime during the past two weeks we've seen Shutter Island, Sherlock Holmes, Legion, and Splice. now on what days, i have no idea!!! all were good except i didn't care for Legion and Splice was a little disturbing at times!
i had a good father's day with my dad. i arrived at my parents house and mom and i left dad at home by himself to rest and went shopping!! we later grilled hamburgers and hot dogs with dad and just hung out all afternoon. mom got a new Trailblazer, so that was fun/jealous to drive it around town!
this past week at work has been very stressful. not knowing when i'm leaving, trying to get my work all into the system and in order, and yet still getting 6 new foster kids added to my caseload in 1 week. it's kind of stressful too because 5 of them live out of the county! i currently have 22 kids in my caseload, and only 7 live in Elmore County. that's correct... i have to travel to see 15 kids!!! is that not crazy? and yet they expect me to be caught up when i leave? i'm not sure how because i'm pretty sure i'll spend the entire month of july driving!!!
wedding planning is coming along. ordered the invitations, yet when they arrived, the printing company made a mistake and printed my invites on stationary that wasn't completely there!! the background is supposed to have a floral design, yet the background was only printed on half the invite. very strange, but at least it wasn't my fault! so they're having to send me 200 more!
this past wednesday jacob and i were pre-approved for a mortgage!! it's exciting, but scary at the same time. i'm on-call till july 2, so hopefully next weekend i'll make it down to troy and start the searching process!
only 98 days left!!!!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
wish lists
ok, so i'm way too tired from registering for the past TWO days to update this thing. so i'll do that later this weekend.
if you're curious, we're registered at Wal-Mart, Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, Home Depot, Sears, and tomorrow we're registering at Family Ties in Troy.
We better get some of this stuff too! Please? =)
if you're curious, we're registered at Wal-Mart, Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, Home Depot, Sears, and tomorrow we're registering at Family Ties in Troy.
We better get some of this stuff too! Please? =)
Sunday, June 13, 2010
i heart weekends....
....and what a weekend this has been! it's sunday night and i'm dreading going to work tomorrow! i love weekends and spending time with family, friends, and my fiancé (i still love saying that!! hehe) now, here's an update on what i did this weekend:
saturday i slept in and hung around the house till about 1:30. i left the house and headed to david's bridal to pick up my "special order." actually, it was only my slip that goes under my dress, but it was fun to still pick something up! i then headed on to troy. i talked to angie on my way down and apologized about 20 times for her having a hard night the night before during on-call. i was supposed to be on-call this week, but she graciously swapped with me since i'm taking a few days off this week. i owe her lunch on monday now!! (thanks again angie!!)
once i got to troy, i stopped at jacob's mom's house and dropped off sara's bridesmaids shoes for her. i left there after about 5 minutes and headed to jacob's grandaddy and grandmomma's house. i was meeting him there and also a friend/club brother of his, Slim. we then all rode to Elba thinking we were going to a Elba City Fest. well, once we arrived, Slim and I found out that it wasn't a city fest, but a bbq fest rather, that cost money to get in, and was ending by the time we arrived. we opted to sit at a mexican restaurant and drink margaritas instead. after that we headed back to troy. we were exhausted by the time we returned, so jacob and i sat at the house and watched Cats 101 on animal planet until about 7pm. we then headed to arby's for dinner and ran into his grandparents while we were there. both of us were exhausted still and hot (air wasn't working), so neither of us could eat our entire meals. we left arbys and jacob took me back to my car (we'd been on the bike all day.) i headed home and was so glad to see my bed!
sunday i slept in until after 10! i got up and watched back to the future part II, Hocus Pocus, and Gracie's Choice (lifetime movie!) Jacob had to work this morning, so he got to the apartment around 4. we headed to harbor frieght and met my parents to shop at the sidewalk sale. we left there and headed to home depot so dad could see what all jacob registered for. then we all went to dinner at chili's. i'm so thankful to have a fiancé that my parents get along with and finding someone that loves family time as much as i do. being with family is important to both of us, so i'm sure we'll have many many many more weekends like today! after chili's jacob and i stopped by walmart so i could get a few groceries for the week... although i kind of day dreamed while walking around about registering! we're registering this week for home stuff, and i'm beyond excited!!!
i'm only working two days this week since i took off wednesday, thursday and friday, and i'm wishing now i had taken off the entire week! it's hard knowing you've got stuff to do for the next two days when you're really just looking forward to the following days off work! wednesday please hurry and get here!! our plans so far for this week....
wednesday: i have another dentist appointment at 8am (i had one also the day jacob proposed!) but this time for my jaw. it's been hurting for almost 2 weeks now, so i finally scheduled an appointment to have it checked. we're meeting for lunch with our photographer at 11 to sign contracts and discuss what we want. after lunch we're registering at walmart, target, bed bath and beyond... wherever!!! we've planned to possibly grill out for dinner too, but i might see if jacob wants to go see the new movie Splice, so not sure if we'll have time to grill also (we get tired early nowadays!!)
thursday: we're not doing anything wedding related!! we'll either spend the day at the lake or just stay near by and hang out at the pool here at the apartment
friday: my mom and i meeting up with jacob's mom in troy and then heading to lewisville to see her granny. she's going to be our florist so we're picking out flowers. my dad is coming down to troy after work on friday and we're all eating dinner together (me, jacob, my parents, and his mom and step-dad).
well, hopefully things will go as planned this week!!
saturday i slept in and hung around the house till about 1:30. i left the house and headed to david's bridal to pick up my "special order." actually, it was only my slip that goes under my dress, but it was fun to still pick something up! i then headed on to troy. i talked to angie on my way down and apologized about 20 times for her having a hard night the night before during on-call. i was supposed to be on-call this week, but she graciously swapped with me since i'm taking a few days off this week. i owe her lunch on monday now!! (thanks again angie!!)
once i got to troy, i stopped at jacob's mom's house and dropped off sara's bridesmaids shoes for her. i left there after about 5 minutes and headed to jacob's grandaddy and grandmomma's house. i was meeting him there and also a friend/club brother of his, Slim. we then all rode to Elba thinking we were going to a Elba City Fest. well, once we arrived, Slim and I found out that it wasn't a city fest, but a bbq fest rather, that cost money to get in, and was ending by the time we arrived. we opted to sit at a mexican restaurant and drink margaritas instead. after that we headed back to troy. we were exhausted by the time we returned, so jacob and i sat at the house and watched Cats 101 on animal planet until about 7pm. we then headed to arby's for dinner and ran into his grandparents while we were there. both of us were exhausted still and hot (air wasn't working), so neither of us could eat our entire meals. we left arbys and jacob took me back to my car (we'd been on the bike all day.) i headed home and was so glad to see my bed!
sunday i slept in until after 10! i got up and watched back to the future part II, Hocus Pocus, and Gracie's Choice (lifetime movie!) Jacob had to work this morning, so he got to the apartment around 4. we headed to harbor frieght and met my parents to shop at the sidewalk sale. we left there and headed to home depot so dad could see what all jacob registered for. then we all went to dinner at chili's. i'm so thankful to have a fiancé that my parents get along with and finding someone that loves family time as much as i do. being with family is important to both of us, so i'm sure we'll have many many many more weekends like today! after chili's jacob and i stopped by walmart so i could get a few groceries for the week... although i kind of day dreamed while walking around about registering! we're registering this week for home stuff, and i'm beyond excited!!!
i'm only working two days this week since i took off wednesday, thursday and friday, and i'm wishing now i had taken off the entire week! it's hard knowing you've got stuff to do for the next two days when you're really just looking forward to the following days off work! wednesday please hurry and get here!! our plans so far for this week....
wednesday: i have another dentist appointment at 8am (i had one also the day jacob proposed!) but this time for my jaw. it's been hurting for almost 2 weeks now, so i finally scheduled an appointment to have it checked. we're meeting for lunch with our photographer at 11 to sign contracts and discuss what we want. after lunch we're registering at walmart, target, bed bath and beyond... wherever!!! we've planned to possibly grill out for dinner too, but i might see if jacob wants to go see the new movie Splice, so not sure if we'll have time to grill also (we get tired early nowadays!!)
thursday: we're not doing anything wedding related!! we'll either spend the day at the lake or just stay near by and hang out at the pool here at the apartment
friday: my mom and i meeting up with jacob's mom in troy and then heading to lewisville to see her granny. she's going to be our florist so we're picking out flowers. my dad is coming down to troy after work on friday and we're all eating dinner together (me, jacob, my parents, and his mom and step-dad).
well, hopefully things will go as planned this week!!
Friday, June 11, 2010
well, it's FINALLY friday! this was a 4 day week, that lasted what seems like 12 days! i'm sorry i haven't updated in a few days. hopefully this post won't make people tired (angie, get some coffee so you don't get sleepy reading this!) haha
tuesday jacob came into town and we registered at home depot. he was VERY excited to get some man stuff on a wish list! i had fun, but was exhausted by the time we left. home depot doesn't have a scanner to use, so we had to hand right all of the details of each item. let me correct that... I had to hand write all of the details! we finally left a little before 9 and ended up taking home with us a lawn mower someone had just returned who had problems getting it to crank. it appears the only problem is a clogged fuel line. home depot let us bring it home for free, so if that ends up not being the issue, we didn't waste any money on it! it's now sitting on my balcony (reminder... we don't own a home yet!)
wednesday we attempted to register at sears for more "man things" for jacob (i'm saving my home stuff until we have more time to actually register!) but their computers weren't working, so that was yet another unsuccessful registry trip. we opted for watching Toddlers and Tiaras and lounging on the sofa.
jacob came into town tonight and we once again tried to register at sears. we ended up creating a registry account online and home and were told we only needed to bring in our 18 digit registry number and we would be able to register in the store. well, for some reason their scanner was messed up and would only scan a Garden Hose for us... which we didn't really want. we became very frustrated and yet no one offered to help. we later went back and tried to speak with the manager to complain about not receiving more help or guidance on fixing the problems. i now have no interest in registering at sears, but jacob really wants some craftsman tools.
after the mall and subway dinner, we headed to Payless to look for bridesmaid's shoes. i found some cute shoes (well, i thought they were cute!!)

well, they're cute, comfy, and cheap!! well, i sent the picture to the bridesmaids and didn't get the reaction i was wanting from some of them, but i've decided on them anyways!! i ended up buying 10 pairs to have a variety of sizes for the 7 girls. and they are $20 and payless has their BOGO sale right now, so really each girl only owes me $15. i'm happy about my find! it's better than a $40 shoe from dillards!!! =)
tomorrow i'm driving to troy and jacob and i and one of his club brothers are riding the bikes to elba for their city fest. it'll be nice to have a day off from doing wedding planning/purchasing. it's starting to get really stressful now!!!
tuesday jacob came into town and we registered at home depot. he was VERY excited to get some man stuff on a wish list! i had fun, but was exhausted by the time we left. home depot doesn't have a scanner to use, so we had to hand right all of the details of each item. let me correct that... I had to hand write all of the details! we finally left a little before 9 and ended up taking home with us a lawn mower someone had just returned who had problems getting it to crank. it appears the only problem is a clogged fuel line. home depot let us bring it home for free, so if that ends up not being the issue, we didn't waste any money on it! it's now sitting on my balcony (reminder... we don't own a home yet!)
wednesday we attempted to register at sears for more "man things" for jacob (i'm saving my home stuff until we have more time to actually register!) but their computers weren't working, so that was yet another unsuccessful registry trip. we opted for watching Toddlers and Tiaras and lounging on the sofa.
jacob came into town tonight and we once again tried to register at sears. we ended up creating a registry account online and home and were told we only needed to bring in our 18 digit registry number and we would be able to register in the store. well, for some reason their scanner was messed up and would only scan a Garden Hose for us... which we didn't really want. we became very frustrated and yet no one offered to help. we later went back and tried to speak with the manager to complain about not receiving more help or guidance on fixing the problems. i now have no interest in registering at sears, but jacob really wants some craftsman tools.
after the mall and subway dinner, we headed to Payless to look for bridesmaid's shoes. i found some cute shoes (well, i thought they were cute!!)

well, they're cute, comfy, and cheap!! well, i sent the picture to the bridesmaids and didn't get the reaction i was wanting from some of them, but i've decided on them anyways!! i ended up buying 10 pairs to have a variety of sizes for the 7 girls. and they are $20 and payless has their BOGO sale right now, so really each girl only owes me $15. i'm happy about my find! it's better than a $40 shoe from dillards!!! =)
tomorrow i'm driving to troy and jacob and i and one of his club brothers are riding the bikes to elba for their city fest. it'll be nice to have a day off from doing wedding planning/purchasing. it's starting to get really stressful now!!!
Monday, June 7, 2010
i heart my mom
sunday my mom and i spent the day together. jacob was working a double shift (from 6:30am - 10:30pm) so i knew i had all day for girl time! my mom met me at my apartment and tried on a pretty new dress she ordered for my sister's wedding in august. she also brought with her the shoes i had ordered from davidsbridal.com, but they were too big. bummer. after that we headed to david's bridal for her to try on some more mother of the bride dresses. you have to understand, she'll be the mother of the bride twice within 6 weeks, so she's tried on A LOT of dresses. after there we headed to arby's for lunch. love me some roast beef. not quite on the wedding diet, but hey, you gotta eat real food every now and then. and so far all weekend i'd eaten real food. diet full force again this week! haha =)
after lunch we headed to east chase to shop some more. we stopped by dillards and looked at their dresses and weren't very impressed. we then looked at the lingerie department, and i've realized, if something is complicated and i can't figure out how to get it on/off, jacob won't either! i think i might just stick with my casual, comfy, cotton nighties. more practical, and can still be sexy! sorry jacob! don't expect trashy lingerie very often! haha.
next we went to joann's fabric and found some ribbon that is almost the exact color of my bridesmaids dresses! i was so excited i bought every spool they had! granted, i will probably use most of it!! i bought some that is about 1.5 inches for my baskets, 1/2 inch for programs (making our own), and about 1/4 of an inch for the bubble wands. i figured whatever i don't use i can always bring back. we also bought 3 spools of a sheer green to use on something! haha, i just thought it was pretty!! they had a stack of sale ads on the way to the register for a 50% off coupon, so i asked the lady at the register if i could get back into line 10 more times to get each item 50% off, but she said she could just ring it all up for 50% off! so i got $32 worth of ribbon for only $16.11. i love saving money!!
after joanns, we went to michaels to get the bubble wands for when we leave, but of course, they were sold out. and i had a 50% off coupon for there too! so they called the prattville location and they had 3 on their shelves. we left michaels without purchasing anything and headed to walmart. at walmart we bought some spray paint for me to paint the flower girl basket and baskets for programs and favors. we bought a can of white, purple, and green. i'm considering doing one of the large baskets i have purple with green ribbon and the other green with purple ribbon, that way everything is not purple!
after walmart mom and i drove separately to prattville. i was very excited about getting my bubble wands (100 bubble wands for only $9.97, who wouldn't be excited) so i couldn't wait later to go get them! we drove to prattville and found the bubbles. we then went to the walmart in prattville because i had forgotten to get printer ink for my printer so i could print my passport application and also address labels for our invitations. after that i was pooped, so we finally headed our own ways and headed towards home.
when i returned to montgomery, i decided to go on to walgreens and get my passport picture taken since my hair was fixed cute and all! haha, it didn't turn out as good as i would have wished, but i can't complain! after that i FINALLY went home. of course later in the night after completing my online application for my passport and was ready to print it (remember, i bought new ink today for the printer) i learned that my printer is not compatible with Windows 7. yup, that's my luck!!! and i also didn't have any computer paper in the house. i hadn't used my printer since i lived in TN, so it's been a while (over 3 years!) so instead i started typing up addresses and saving them in a word document.
jacob finally got off work at 10:30 and i was excited to get to talk with him. i usually talk to him during the day and evenings when we're apart, so yesterday was very hard, him working 16 hours straight! no much communication going on expect a few texts here and there.
this morning i got up at 7:30 and had a periodontist appointment at 8 to monitor my gums (they're receding) and as i got into my car, it wouldn't crank!! joy! it finally cranked and i headed to my appointment. i've been having jaw issues for the past week and they believe it's just stress related and that i'm probably grinding my teeth more. so with words of wisdom to wear my mouth guard, which i don't, i headed back out to the car, which again, had trouble cranking! i headed straight to walmart to have them check my battery, which according to their tester, was close to being DEAD! i also asked them to rotate and balance my tires while i was there since i get it for free. well, after an hour of waiting, i head back to the auto section and find out from the cashier that they shouldn't be balancing any cars right now because the weight wand (apparently the apparatus that has a weight it in and tells them if they're balanced) isn't working properly. she informed me and another guy waiting that it had broken the previous week and she "gorilla glued" it back together, but that the weight wasn't balanced inside from being broken. i asked her if that was legal, and she said it wouldn't cause me to wreck or harm my tires, but it could ruin my frame. umm... that sounds serious to me!! she then proceeded to say that she already knew of 3 cars going to the atlanta hwy walmart and complaining their cars were shaky after bringing them to chantilly, and that walmart stated they weren't balanced (apparently the atlanta hwy walmart has informed them of the extra work they're having to do because of the chantilly location!) i was pissed at this point and informed her that they shouldn't be able to attempted to balance them if they're not sure if its working. i believe i will call the manager tomorrow and complain of this issue! haha. luckily, i didn't experience any shaking (as she said i would if they weren't balanced) but i think i might take it to another walmart anyways and have it checked.
after walmart and i headed to the post office to get my passport. need the passport for the honeymoon to the western caribbean! i got that taken care of and was also excited to find out that if i submit a form she provided me and my marriage license before next june 7, i can get a new passport with my married name for free!! i like anything that's free!! yay!!
ok, so i'm tired of writing all of this, and all of this was done before 11am today!! after that i came home, ate lunch, and took a two hour nap until jacob got off work at 2:30pm.
whew... what a busy paid holiday!! but happy birthday jefferson davis!
after lunch we headed to east chase to shop some more. we stopped by dillards and looked at their dresses and weren't very impressed. we then looked at the lingerie department, and i've realized, if something is complicated and i can't figure out how to get it on/off, jacob won't either! i think i might just stick with my casual, comfy, cotton nighties. more practical, and can still be sexy! sorry jacob! don't expect trashy lingerie very often! haha.
next we went to joann's fabric and found some ribbon that is almost the exact color of my bridesmaids dresses! i was so excited i bought every spool they had! granted, i will probably use most of it!! i bought some that is about 1.5 inches for my baskets, 1/2 inch for programs (making our own), and about 1/4 of an inch for the bubble wands. i figured whatever i don't use i can always bring back. we also bought 3 spools of a sheer green to use on something! haha, i just thought it was pretty!! they had a stack of sale ads on the way to the register for a 50% off coupon, so i asked the lady at the register if i could get back into line 10 more times to get each item 50% off, but she said she could just ring it all up for 50% off! so i got $32 worth of ribbon for only $16.11. i love saving money!!
after joanns, we went to michaels to get the bubble wands for when we leave, but of course, they were sold out. and i had a 50% off coupon for there too! so they called the prattville location and they had 3 on their shelves. we left michaels without purchasing anything and headed to walmart. at walmart we bought some spray paint for me to paint the flower girl basket and baskets for programs and favors. we bought a can of white, purple, and green. i'm considering doing one of the large baskets i have purple with green ribbon and the other green with purple ribbon, that way everything is not purple!
after walmart mom and i drove separately to prattville. i was very excited about getting my bubble wands (100 bubble wands for only $9.97, who wouldn't be excited) so i couldn't wait later to go get them! we drove to prattville and found the bubbles. we then went to the walmart in prattville because i had forgotten to get printer ink for my printer so i could print my passport application and also address labels for our invitations. after that i was pooped, so we finally headed our own ways and headed towards home.
when i returned to montgomery, i decided to go on to walgreens and get my passport picture taken since my hair was fixed cute and all! haha, it didn't turn out as good as i would have wished, but i can't complain! after that i FINALLY went home. of course later in the night after completing my online application for my passport and was ready to print it (remember, i bought new ink today for the printer) i learned that my printer is not compatible with Windows 7. yup, that's my luck!!! and i also didn't have any computer paper in the house. i hadn't used my printer since i lived in TN, so it's been a while (over 3 years!) so instead i started typing up addresses and saving them in a word document.
jacob finally got off work at 10:30 and i was excited to get to talk with him. i usually talk to him during the day and evenings when we're apart, so yesterday was very hard, him working 16 hours straight! no much communication going on expect a few texts here and there.
this morning i got up at 7:30 and had a periodontist appointment at 8 to monitor my gums (they're receding) and as i got into my car, it wouldn't crank!! joy! it finally cranked and i headed to my appointment. i've been having jaw issues for the past week and they believe it's just stress related and that i'm probably grinding my teeth more. so with words of wisdom to wear my mouth guard, which i don't, i headed back out to the car, which again, had trouble cranking! i headed straight to walmart to have them check my battery, which according to their tester, was close to being DEAD! i also asked them to rotate and balance my tires while i was there since i get it for free. well, after an hour of waiting, i head back to the auto section and find out from the cashier that they shouldn't be balancing any cars right now because the weight wand (apparently the apparatus that has a weight it in and tells them if they're balanced) isn't working properly. she informed me and another guy waiting that it had broken the previous week and she "gorilla glued" it back together, but that the weight wasn't balanced inside from being broken. i asked her if that was legal, and she said it wouldn't cause me to wreck or harm my tires, but it could ruin my frame. umm... that sounds serious to me!! she then proceeded to say that she already knew of 3 cars going to the atlanta hwy walmart and complaining their cars were shaky after bringing them to chantilly, and that walmart stated they weren't balanced (apparently the atlanta hwy walmart has informed them of the extra work they're having to do because of the chantilly location!) i was pissed at this point and informed her that they shouldn't be able to attempted to balance them if they're not sure if its working. i believe i will call the manager tomorrow and complain of this issue! haha. luckily, i didn't experience any shaking (as she said i would if they weren't balanced) but i think i might take it to another walmart anyways and have it checked.
after walmart and i headed to the post office to get my passport. need the passport for the honeymoon to the western caribbean! i got that taken care of and was also excited to find out that if i submit a form she provided me and my marriage license before next june 7, i can get a new passport with my married name for free!! i like anything that's free!! yay!!
ok, so i'm tired of writing all of this, and all of this was done before 11am today!! after that i came home, ate lunch, and took a two hour nap until jacob got off work at 2:30pm.
whew... what a busy paid holiday!! but happy birthday jefferson davis!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
today i met one of my bridesmaids, mandy, at david's bridal for her to try on dresses. i've had a dress picked out for them, but wanted them to try it on before i decided. mandy loved it and so did cindy, who tried hers on in TN today, so i finally picked out the dress. yay!!
after david's bridal, mandy assisted me on a search for a flower girl basket. i had already planned on not wasting $20 on a small white basket bought in a store that had no life or color to it, and had decided to buy one form a thrift store and spray paint it to match the wedding! when we arrived, i thought this would be a project that might take several thrift store trips. let me tell you... if you're looking for wicker baskets, visit the faith rescue mission on east blvd. they had an overload of baskets! i actually had a hard time deciding between two, and after not being able to locate children to model the baskets for me (yes, we actually searched for young girls... we're caseworkers... it's ok!!) i decided on a cute, small, round basket with a threaded handle. mandy preferred the oval basket, but that one was $1.50. and how much did the basket i bought cost?? 50 cents!!! oh yeah!!! i'm very excited! i already have fake green flower petals i bought at michaels that were on clearance for $2.99, so i'm going to spray paint the basket purple and add green bows to the sides. a perfect flower girl basket for a very cheap price!! i'm already purchasing the spray paint and ribbons to paint other baskets i have already to hold programs and wedding favors. i love being thrifty and saving money!! now if i could only find cheap invitations!!
after shopping at the thrift store, mandy and i headed to east chase and shopped at shoe station and michaels while waiting for another bridesmaid/friend angie to meet us for lunch. we ate at texas roadhouse, and had terrible service!! why does that seem to happen a lot lately?? when we FINALLY got our tickets and were able to leave, we all headed to victoria's secret to get new panties. glad i only spent 50 cents on the flower girl basket, because i went panty crazy! haha. not really, but i did take advantage of their daily sale of 5 for $25. a bride always needs pretty panties! and i found out while checking out that the semi-annual sale starts june 15. time to stock up for lingerie for the future hubs! yay!!
after panty shopping, we all went our separate ways, and i headed home to wait on jacob to get into town. when he arrived, we headed to the harley shop to pick up some stuff, and then back to east chase to bed bath and beyond. we haven't registered yet, and i want to make sure i know what bathroom and kitchen colors i want to use before i register for those things. so we quickly walked through the kitchen and bath sections, then headed to chili's to meet some friends for dinner. i had so much fun at dinner, and even enjoyed a nice chili's margarita!
we left chili's about 2 hours later and headed to target for a quick browse through their kitchen and bathroom items as well. jacob picked up some father's day cards for his dad and step-dad, then we headed home. jacob is working two shifts tomorrow to earn some off time for the wedding, honeymoon, and some club events he has in the fall, so he headed back to troy early to get to bed. he's working from 6:30am to 10:30pm tomorrow. needless to say, i will barely converse with my fiancé tomorrow, but i know he's doing it for us. so i'll survive. i heart him!
meko and i are chilling for the rest of the night watch a rerun of snl and cuddling on the couch. all we need now is jacob and life would be perfect.
spending the day with my mom tomorrow. yay for girl time and wedding talk ALL DAY! haha. i know jacob will enjoy the break.
night night
after david's bridal, mandy assisted me on a search for a flower girl basket. i had already planned on not wasting $20 on a small white basket bought in a store that had no life or color to it, and had decided to buy one form a thrift store and spray paint it to match the wedding! when we arrived, i thought this would be a project that might take several thrift store trips. let me tell you... if you're looking for wicker baskets, visit the faith rescue mission on east blvd. they had an overload of baskets! i actually had a hard time deciding between two, and after not being able to locate children to model the baskets for me (yes, we actually searched for young girls... we're caseworkers... it's ok!!) i decided on a cute, small, round basket with a threaded handle. mandy preferred the oval basket, but that one was $1.50. and how much did the basket i bought cost?? 50 cents!!! oh yeah!!! i'm very excited! i already have fake green flower petals i bought at michaels that were on clearance for $2.99, so i'm going to spray paint the basket purple and add green bows to the sides. a perfect flower girl basket for a very cheap price!! i'm already purchasing the spray paint and ribbons to paint other baskets i have already to hold programs and wedding favors. i love being thrifty and saving money!! now if i could only find cheap invitations!!
after shopping at the thrift store, mandy and i headed to east chase and shopped at shoe station and michaels while waiting for another bridesmaid/friend angie to meet us for lunch. we ate at texas roadhouse, and had terrible service!! why does that seem to happen a lot lately?? when we FINALLY got our tickets and were able to leave, we all headed to victoria's secret to get new panties. glad i only spent 50 cents on the flower girl basket, because i went panty crazy! haha. not really, but i did take advantage of their daily sale of 5 for $25. a bride always needs pretty panties! and i found out while checking out that the semi-annual sale starts june 15. time to stock up for lingerie for the future hubs! yay!!
after panty shopping, we all went our separate ways, and i headed home to wait on jacob to get into town. when he arrived, we headed to the harley shop to pick up some stuff, and then back to east chase to bed bath and beyond. we haven't registered yet, and i want to make sure i know what bathroom and kitchen colors i want to use before i register for those things. so we quickly walked through the kitchen and bath sections, then headed to chili's to meet some friends for dinner. i had so much fun at dinner, and even enjoyed a nice chili's margarita!
we left chili's about 2 hours later and headed to target for a quick browse through their kitchen and bathroom items as well. jacob picked up some father's day cards for his dad and step-dad, then we headed home. jacob is working two shifts tomorrow to earn some off time for the wedding, honeymoon, and some club events he has in the fall, so he headed back to troy early to get to bed. he's working from 6:30am to 10:30pm tomorrow. needless to say, i will barely converse with my fiancé tomorrow, but i know he's doing it for us. so i'll survive. i heart him!
meko and i are chilling for the rest of the night watch a rerun of snl and cuddling on the couch. all we need now is jacob and life would be perfect.
spending the day with my mom tomorrow. yay for girl time and wedding talk ALL DAY! haha. i know jacob will enjoy the break.
night night
Friday, June 4, 2010
country club
well, we finally settled on a venue for the reception! and i am sooo excited! let me start from the beginning....
several people had suggested we use the Stadium Club on Troy's campus for our reception. i'd seen pictures and it appeared to be very nice with lots of windows for sunlight (its a 2:30 wedding.) well, the Stadium Club is apparently very busy and did not have a weekend available this fall. so we had to settle with the ballrooms on campus, which i was not happy about after visiting there last friday afternoon. the place was not what i had remembered since i attended Troy, and i was very disappointed in the "cheapness" of it. and i was pretty sure they had recently ripped up the carpet because there was a huge red circle in the middle of the floor that said TSU, and Troy has not been TSU since 2005!!! i have also been very upset with Troy because I have yet to receive a confirmation for the ballrooms and catering. the catering woman was a complete snob last friday when i met with her, stating she was too busy to email me the quote she had promised me two days before. well, it's been 11 days since i first spoke with them, and jacob and i have called twice asking for a confirmation, yet they refuse to send one. i felt that if they had someone come along and request a reception that they would make more money on, they would ditch us and book them! so let's just say i've been very uneasy about using Troy as our reception venue.
well, tuesday night, one of jacob's best friend's father called and stated he would sponsor us to use the country club. we went there right after work today (i had never been there) and as soon as we walked through the doors, i knew i wanted to use them! it's exactly like i pictured our reception being. lots of windows for natural sunlight, casual, yet elegant and fancy at the same time. it's perfect! and then to find out that things like table clothes, glass goblets, glass plates, and real silverware are included in the price was awesome! Troy charged $1.35 per person for plastic tableware items!! we sat down with the man in charge and gave our deposit and made a menu tonight!! and the best part... the total for our entire reception (minus the cakes) is only $300 more than what we were going to have to pay at Troy for JUST the food!!! how crazy is that??? i love saving money!! i think i'll give mr. wise a very big hug for sponsoring us and allowing this to happen!
i'm so excited about the wedding. everything seems to be coming together now and things are less stressful! i'm glad now we decided not to elope! haha
several people had suggested we use the Stadium Club on Troy's campus for our reception. i'd seen pictures and it appeared to be very nice with lots of windows for sunlight (its a 2:30 wedding.) well, the Stadium Club is apparently very busy and did not have a weekend available this fall. so we had to settle with the ballrooms on campus, which i was not happy about after visiting there last friday afternoon. the place was not what i had remembered since i attended Troy, and i was very disappointed in the "cheapness" of it. and i was pretty sure they had recently ripped up the carpet because there was a huge red circle in the middle of the floor that said TSU, and Troy has not been TSU since 2005!!! i have also been very upset with Troy because I have yet to receive a confirmation for the ballrooms and catering. the catering woman was a complete snob last friday when i met with her, stating she was too busy to email me the quote she had promised me two days before. well, it's been 11 days since i first spoke with them, and jacob and i have called twice asking for a confirmation, yet they refuse to send one. i felt that if they had someone come along and request a reception that they would make more money on, they would ditch us and book them! so let's just say i've been very uneasy about using Troy as our reception venue.
well, tuesday night, one of jacob's best friend's father called and stated he would sponsor us to use the country club. we went there right after work today (i had never been there) and as soon as we walked through the doors, i knew i wanted to use them! it's exactly like i pictured our reception being. lots of windows for natural sunlight, casual, yet elegant and fancy at the same time. it's perfect! and then to find out that things like table clothes, glass goblets, glass plates, and real silverware are included in the price was awesome! Troy charged $1.35 per person for plastic tableware items!! we sat down with the man in charge and gave our deposit and made a menu tonight!! and the best part... the total for our entire reception (minus the cakes) is only $300 more than what we were going to have to pay at Troy for JUST the food!!! how crazy is that??? i love saving money!! i think i'll give mr. wise a very big hug for sponsoring us and allowing this to happen!
i'm so excited about the wedding. everything seems to be coming together now and things are less stressful! i'm glad now we decided not to elope! haha
Thursday, June 3, 2010
ok, so i'm already a bad blogger. it's hard to find time to actually update this thing! what have i been doing with all of my spare time you might ask? wait... what is spare time??? i've been planning a wedding! and i've gotten a lot of accomplished (patting myself on the back). so far i've:
~ booked the church
~ found a preacher man
~ hired a trumpet player... or trumpist?? haha. well, actually jacob did this for me without even asking. props to the fiancé!!!
~ found a reception site and planned a menu. however, we might be changing that location tomorrow afternoon after visiting another venue (i'm praying this one will work!! i'm excited!)
~ bought my dress, veil, slip, shoes, and traveling bag for the dress (all i need now is my bra!)
~ found a bakery... just have to design cakes now
~ found a photographer that's available!!
~ bought the guest book
~ bought flowers for the flower girl to throw
~ visited hotels and received prices on rooms to block for guest
~ booked the honeymoon!!!
no bad for only being engaged for 15 days!!! and i'm exhausted already. i used to want to be a wedding planner when i was in college. i'm so glad i changed my mind! one wedding is enough for me!
jacob and i tried to register the other day at Lowe's. i'm not sure yet what color schemes i want to use in the kitchen and bathrooms, so i'm not quite ready to register for those household items, but he's been ready to register for tools. so we decided to go to Lowe's last weekend and register. even stopped at Sonic (during Happy Hour of course) and bought a medium diet coke to keep me hydrated during the process. well, we get there and find out they no longer do registries. then we tried Sears in Troy, which was closed. finally we headed to walmart, and found out that they no longer do in-store registries... you have to register online!! we were disappointed and i felt bad for jacob. he was really excited about it! we ate at Crowe's instead to make up for it! ahhh... if only they catered to weddings!
not much else is going on. work sucks, as usual. i'm trying to transfer to Pike County now, but to tell you the truth, i'm getting burned out with DHR. we'll see though.
i'm so excited about the future. i can't wait to be married and spend my life with my best friend. we have a lot to do until then however.... plan the wedding, buy a house, find me a new job in troy. wow. and all of this in only 121 days. i better stop blogging and get back to planning.
have a great night!
~ booked the church
~ found a preacher man
~ hired a trumpet player... or trumpist?? haha. well, actually jacob did this for me without even asking. props to the fiancé!!!
~ found a reception site and planned a menu. however, we might be changing that location tomorrow afternoon after visiting another venue (i'm praying this one will work!! i'm excited!)
~ bought my dress, veil, slip, shoes, and traveling bag for the dress (all i need now is my bra!)
~ found a bakery... just have to design cakes now
~ found a photographer that's available!!
~ bought the guest book
~ bought flowers for the flower girl to throw
~ visited hotels and received prices on rooms to block for guest
~ booked the honeymoon!!!
no bad for only being engaged for 15 days!!! and i'm exhausted already. i used to want to be a wedding planner when i was in college. i'm so glad i changed my mind! one wedding is enough for me!
jacob and i tried to register the other day at Lowe's. i'm not sure yet what color schemes i want to use in the kitchen and bathrooms, so i'm not quite ready to register for those household items, but he's been ready to register for tools. so we decided to go to Lowe's last weekend and register. even stopped at Sonic (during Happy Hour of course) and bought a medium diet coke to keep me hydrated during the process. well, we get there and find out they no longer do registries. then we tried Sears in Troy, which was closed. finally we headed to walmart, and found out that they no longer do in-store registries... you have to register online!! we were disappointed and i felt bad for jacob. he was really excited about it! we ate at Crowe's instead to make up for it! ahhh... if only they catered to weddings!
not much else is going on. work sucks, as usual. i'm trying to transfer to Pike County now, but to tell you the truth, i'm getting burned out with DHR. we'll see though.
i'm so excited about the future. i can't wait to be married and spend my life with my best friend. we have a lot to do until then however.... plan the wedding, buy a house, find me a new job in troy. wow. and all of this in only 121 days. i better stop blogging and get back to planning.
have a great night!
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