sunday my mom and i spent the day together. jacob was working a double shift (from 6:30am - 10:30pm) so i knew i had all day for girl time! my mom met me at my apartment and tried on a pretty new dress she ordered for my sister's wedding in august. she also brought with her the shoes i had ordered from, but they were too big. bummer. after that we headed to david's bridal for her to try on some more mother of the bride dresses. you have to understand, she'll be the mother of the bride twice within 6 weeks, so she's tried on A LOT of dresses. after there we headed to arby's for lunch. love me some roast beef. not quite on the wedding diet, but hey, you gotta eat real food every now and then. and so far all weekend i'd eaten real food. diet full force again this week! haha =)
after lunch we headed to east chase to shop some more. we stopped by dillards and looked at their dresses and weren't very impressed. we then looked at the lingerie department, and i've realized, if something is complicated and i can't figure out how to get it on/off, jacob won't either! i think i might just stick with my casual, comfy, cotton nighties. more practical, and can still be sexy! sorry jacob! don't expect trashy lingerie very often! haha.
next we went to joann's fabric and found some ribbon that is almost the exact color of my bridesmaids dresses! i was so excited i bought every spool they had! granted, i will probably use most of it!! i bought some that is about 1.5 inches for my baskets, 1/2 inch for programs (making our own), and about 1/4 of an inch for the bubble wands. i figured whatever i don't use i can always bring back. we also bought 3 spools of a sheer green to use on something! haha, i just thought it was pretty!! they had a stack of sale ads on the way to the register for a 50% off coupon, so i asked the lady at the register if i could get back into line 10 more times to get each item 50% off, but she said she could just ring it all up for 50% off! so i got $32 worth of ribbon for only $16.11. i love saving money!!
after joanns, we went to michaels to get the bubble wands for when we leave, but of course, they were sold out. and i had a 50% off coupon for there too! so they called the prattville location and they had 3 on their shelves. we left michaels without purchasing anything and headed to walmart. at walmart we bought some spray paint for me to paint the flower girl basket and baskets for programs and favors. we bought a can of white, purple, and green. i'm considering doing one of the large baskets i have purple with green ribbon and the other green with purple ribbon, that way everything is not purple!
after walmart mom and i drove separately to prattville. i was very excited about getting my bubble wands (100 bubble wands for only $9.97, who wouldn't be excited) so i couldn't wait later to go get them! we drove to prattville and found the bubbles. we then went to the walmart in prattville because i had forgotten to get printer ink for my printer so i could print my passport application and also address labels for our invitations. after that i was pooped, so we finally headed our own ways and headed towards home.
when i returned to montgomery, i decided to go on to walgreens and get my passport picture taken since my hair was fixed cute and all! haha, it didn't turn out as good as i would have wished, but i can't complain! after that i FINALLY went home. of course later in the night after completing my online application for my passport and was ready to print it (remember, i bought new ink today for the printer) i learned that my printer is not compatible with Windows 7. yup, that's my luck!!! and i also didn't have any computer paper in the house. i hadn't used my printer since i lived in TN, so it's been a while (over 3 years!) so instead i started typing up addresses and saving them in a word document.
jacob finally got off work at 10:30 and i was excited to get to talk with him. i usually talk to him during the day and evenings when we're apart, so yesterday was very hard, him working 16 hours straight! no much communication going on expect a few texts here and there.
this morning i got up at 7:30 and had a periodontist appointment at 8 to monitor my gums (they're receding) and as i got into my car, it wouldn't crank!! joy! it finally cranked and i headed to my appointment. i've been having jaw issues for the past week and they believe it's just stress related and that i'm probably grinding my teeth more. so with words of wisdom to wear my mouth guard, which i don't, i headed back out to the car, which again, had trouble cranking! i headed straight to walmart to have them check my battery, which according to their tester, was close to being DEAD! i also asked them to rotate and balance my tires while i was there since i get it for free. well, after an hour of waiting, i head back to the auto section and find out from the cashier that they shouldn't be balancing any cars right now because the weight wand (apparently the apparatus that has a weight it in and tells them if they're balanced) isn't working properly. she informed me and another guy waiting that it had broken the previous week and she "gorilla glued" it back together, but that the weight wasn't balanced inside from being broken. i asked her if that was legal, and she said it wouldn't cause me to wreck or harm my tires, but it could ruin my frame. umm... that sounds serious to me!! she then proceeded to say that she already knew of 3 cars going to the atlanta hwy walmart and complaining their cars were shaky after bringing them to chantilly, and that walmart stated they weren't balanced (apparently the atlanta hwy walmart has informed them of the extra work they're having to do because of the chantilly location!) i was pissed at this point and informed her that they shouldn't be able to attempted to balance them if they're not sure if its working. i believe i will call the manager tomorrow and complain of this issue! haha. luckily, i didn't experience any shaking (as she said i would if they weren't balanced) but i think i might take it to another walmart anyways and have it checked.
after walmart and i headed to the post office to get my passport. need the passport for the honeymoon to the western caribbean! i got that taken care of and was also excited to find out that if i submit a form she provided me and my marriage license before next june 7, i can get a new passport with my married name for free!! i like anything that's free!! yay!!
ok, so i'm tired of writing all of this, and all of this was done before 11am today!! after that i came home, ate lunch, and took a two hour nap until jacob got off work at 2:30pm.
whew... what a busy paid holiday!! but happy birthday jefferson davis!