ok, so i know it's been awhile since i've posted, and i apologize. life has been crazy the past two weeks. let me see if i can even remember what all has happened...
last week i took off three days from work (june 16-18). However, my days weren't really spent as a vacation should be! wednesday morning i had a dentist appointment and then received a call from Pike County DHR stating my request to transfer had been approved!! yay. however... Elmore County has yet to give me an exact transfer date, but hopefully it'll be either august 2 or august 16. i'm so blessed to be able to transfer. i can live in the same town as my husband when we're married! how awesome is that?? =) later on that day we met with our wedding photographer for lunch and signed a contract with him. i'm very excited about it! check out some of his pics at www.nddesigns.org. after lunch we REGISTERED at walmart!! it took forever too, but we had a lot of fun. it's fun picking out things for people to buy you! haha. however, we were exhausted when we left.
thursday i slept in, but we were out registering by lunch time!! we registered at bed bath and beyond and target. let's just say by the time we finished those stores i was getting a little tired of picking out things! too much on the brain. we grilled out both wednesday and thursday night and just enjoyed spending the day together (jacob works weekends so we never get full days together!)
friday i met jacob in troy when he got off work at 2:30. we then registered at Family Ties in troy, and now i was really tired of registering! after that we rode with his mom to Sister's to plan the menu for the rehearsal dinner. then we headed to clio and ate dinner with his granny and some friends. i say dinner, but it took so long jacob and i were calling it a "midnight snack!"
saturday jacob came back to montgomery, and to tell you the truth.. i don't remember a thing we did!! i think we rented a movie?? i know sometime during the past two weeks we've seen Shutter Island, Sherlock Holmes, Legion, and Splice. now on what days, i have no idea!!! all were good except i didn't care for Legion and Splice was a little disturbing at times!
i had a good father's day with my dad. i arrived at my parents house and mom and i left dad at home by himself to rest and went shopping!! we later grilled hamburgers and hot dogs with dad and just hung out all afternoon. mom got a new Trailblazer, so that was fun/jealous to drive it around town!
this past week at work has been very stressful. not knowing when i'm leaving, trying to get my work all into the system and in order, and yet still getting 6 new foster kids added to my caseload in 1 week. it's kind of stressful too because 5 of them live out of the county! i currently have 22 kids in my caseload, and only 7 live in Elmore County. that's correct... i have to travel to see 15 kids!!! is that not crazy? and yet they expect me to be caught up when i leave? i'm not sure how because i'm pretty sure i'll spend the entire month of july driving!!!
wedding planning is coming along. ordered the invitations, yet when they arrived, the printing company made a mistake and printed my invites on stationary that wasn't completely there!! the background is supposed to have a floral design, yet the background was only printed on half the invite. very strange, but at least it wasn't my fault! so they're having to send me 200 more!
this past wednesday jacob and i were pre-approved for a mortgage!! it's exciting, but scary at the same time. i'm on-call till july 2, so hopefully next weekend i'll make it down to troy and start the searching process!
only 98 days left!!!!